Dienstag, 28. Oktober 2008

Last weeks highlights (2nd part)

With our friend Dolly at "Primi Piatti" in Blaauwberg

We wish...

Best Seafood at "Cafe Orca" in Melkbos...

Marlon, Melkbosstrand...

Sonntag, 26. Oktober 2008

Last weeks highlights (1st part)

Jürgi went to an organized braai (BBQ) in a township

A cart from "Checkers" served as the grill...

Men's talk...

Preparations for the soccer world cup in 2010...


Lion's Head...

Marlon in the bar "Caprice"

Montag, 20. Oktober 2008

Ups and Downs

Last week was quite exhausting, because Marlon had a high fever and we weren't quite sure were it came from. The nights weren't peaceful at all and worrying didn't make us feel better. But after the fever went down a slight rash appeared and we knew it was "3-Day-Fever". That also meant it was over.
We spent the weekend in Swartriet at Jacobsbaai with good friends and their kids. It was wonderful! The landscape on the west coast here actually is a little bit like Denmark, just that the weather is better and there are more waves to surf on. We had an awesome time braaiing (the south african term for bbq), surfing, hanging out on the beach and so on. By noon on Sunday I was feeling quite sick and once we got home Sunday night I had a high fever myself. Shivering, body aching, bowels cramping, headache. Today I am feeling much better, already and I hope I'll be my old self, again, tomorrow.
Here are some pics from the weekend...

Donnerstag, 16. Oktober 2008

Pictures added

I added some pictures to the post "Good old Germany"

Montag, 13. Oktober 2008

Marlon's 1st Birthday

Yesterday we celebrated Marlon's 1st B-Day. When he woke up we sang a german birthday song for him, then made him breakfast. Then Juergen made ourselves some nice breakfast with eggs, tomatoes, sausages and toast. Very yummy! Juergen had made a birthday cake for Marlon the day before, and when we had breakfast he got his cake with a candle on it and some presents. A wooden Cheetah, a wooden leopard and a wire and pearl sheep (typical Cape Town craft) and also a very cute book from Morti and nice Music from Inken.

Later in the day we went to a bird park. Marlon was in awe....

On the way his grammy from Bresahn called and he chatted with her for a while...

When he was asleep later, his mom went for a surf with a friend (Jardin), while his dad watched him on the beach. The surf was hectic, so no pictures of Maren surfing...
When we got home that night, we lit Marlon's candle again and tried to let him blow out the candle. I guess he still has to practice a little bit...

Then we put him to bed, but I guess the day was so exciting, that it took him a while to fall asleep. He woke up, again, after a while. He probably thought: " What do my parents think, putting me to bed that early on my birthday. I want to get up and have some fun." So he joined us in the living room, again, and ate 2 olives, drank some olive water and reorganized our dirty cuttlery. O well...
Then we all went to bed together...

Donnerstag, 9. Oktober 2008

What happens if you haven't been working for more than 3 months...

We arrived in Cape Town, yesterday, and it feels like I've never been gone! Clear blue skies, moderate temperatures greeted us this morning, when we stepped out of the door. We even saw whales just an hour, ago, down in the bay at Seepoint, just 200 m off the shore. Sooo beautiful!!!
But I need to tell you about the following incident.
The last night in Hamburg we spent at Juergen's brother's place. Had some wine and went to bed at 2 o'clock in the morning, just to get up two hours later to drive to the airport. We had a nice taxi driver who managed to get all our luggage, including 2 surfboards and kite-surfing equipment, into his car. Once in the terminal we were looking at the board to see where we needed to check in. Funny enough our flight wasn't on it. Weird! So I looked at my watch, which showed the 7th of Oct. and all of the sudden I was in doubt... I asked Juergen what day it was, and he said: "Oh, it's Tuesday the 7th." I:"Are you sure?" Jeurgen: "Yes". So he ran to the phone booth to call the taxi driver, again, to tell him that it was the wrong day and we would need him to get back into Hamburg. While he was gone I tried to recall the happenings of the passed days, but couldn't really figure out, what day it was, still. So I asked some other people, which looked at me in a funny way and said: "It's Wednesday the 8th of October 2008, where did YOU come from?" So it WAS the RIGHT day. Juergen came back smiling, because he had accepted the fact that we were gonna fly one day later and would spend a nice relaxed day in Hamburg, only to hear from me, that he'd have to call the taxi driver, again, to tell him, that it was all a big mistake and we were gonna fly the same day..... Yes, this happens if you don't really care anymore what day and date it is... :-))) Then we found out that we had initially looked at the board with the arrivals instead of the one with the departures...

Enjoy the rest of the week!